Frequently asked questions

What is a registry? 

When you were born, your parents may have taken you to a church to christen/baptise you, then immediately after write your name in the church book to record you were born, the names of your parents, and that you were given a name.
This is usually the first registry upon which you appear.

Today, you may appear on many registries;
If you want to use a mobile phone, you are asked to register with a network.  If you want to support your local football club, you may register as a member.  You may wish to register your dog with a kennel club for breeding purposes. 

The advantage of a registry is that it gives others confidence in trading with you because you are known by the registry body and have agreed to conduct yourself in accordance with the rules of that registry.  

Builders, plumbers, doctors, lawyers, pilots, etc. are often registered with recognised associations with rules and standards which gives confidence to consumers that they are trading with a reputable person.  An unregistered person is disadvantaged. 

The concept of registration simply means your name is recorded in a book somewhere. 

The primary purpose of a registry is to record who you are, what you do, the things you own, and the people you are associated with. E.g. The name you use to identify yourself, your trade or employment or qualifications, your assets such as land, car, stock, and the people or organisations you are affiliated with such as football clubs, schools, church, etc. 

Meeting the requirements of the registry creates an identification which gives comfort to others that you are a person of good character and known in that community.  Unless you are registered somewhere, nobody knows who you are, which limits your ability to trade.

​Are there different types of registries and how do they differ?

There are a number of registries and not all registries are the same, some are more important than others as they carry more weight both in society and a court of law. 

The highest ranking registry is ecclesiastic (the church).  
When you were born, your parents may have taken you to their church to baptise/christen you and immediately insert your name in the church registry.  The advantage of a church registry is that it is recognised and respected by all those who practise that religion worldwide, and all courts. 

The next highest registry is a Royal Registry. 
The King/Queen of a country create a registry to record the names, occupations, belongings and affiliations of all of their subjects. 
They may also issue identification certificates such as passports, licenses, etc. which further strengthens your identification within the community. All subjects of the kingdom recognise the Royal Registry as do the courts within the kingdom. 

Then there are commercial/ corporate registries. 
This is a specific registry for the purpose of trade and contract.  It is limited to corporations, corporate trusts, etc. 
It has its own set of rules, which are dictated by the registrar and it is only recognised by specialised courts (admiralty, administrative tribunals, etc.). 

The last type of registry is associations and clubs. Such as Animal Breeders Association, Medical Board, Lawyers Association, Football Club, Bird Watching Club, etc.   These clubs and associations have limited recognition as they are generally localised and specific, and limited relevance in a court of law. 

What power does a registry have?

To be accepted on a registry, one needs to agree to the terms and conditions of the registry. This includes ramifications for failing to adhere to the rules of the registry. E.g. A church registry may require you to perform certain ceremonies which failing to comply may be deemed a sin. 

A Royal Registry may have laws to protect the subjects of the Crown and impose penalties, including jail, for anyone failing to comply with the protective laws.

A corporate registry may impose fines, sanctions and/or strike off actions for failing to comply with their rules. 
Similarly, associations and clubs may cancel your registration. 

What type of registry is Royal Registry De Jure?

A physical wet-ink record book established under common law for the benefit of the community.  For the sole purpose of recording facts of importance; title, ownership, copyright, etc.  To be kept in a secure place and accessible to assist the community to identify individuals and rightful owners of property.
‘A registry on Crown record of a judicial nature annexed under the Royal prerogative.’

Why was the Royal Registry de Jure re-established?

To create a permanent record of living souls within the community and record their assets achievements and entails.

Why ‘Royal’?

As members of the Commonwealth, we are subjects of the Crown and conduct our affairs within the boundaries of the Commonwealth in accordance with the Commonwealth Constitution of Australia 1900-01. 
We the people are the Crown and in that capacity we have agreed to a monarchy presiding over our Commonwealth.  The head of this monarchy is referred to as the King or Queen but the Crown, for all intents and purposes, comprises the people.   
The monarch reigns over the Commonwealth and performs their functions in favour of the people and for the benefit of the people and has sworn an oath to serve the people; not the other way around. 
Indeed, we the people pledge an oath of allegiance to the Crown but not servitude.  We are not slaves nor servants of the Crown, we are subjects, and each one of us has the same rights, privileges and powers.  Kings and Queens may come and go, but the people remain.  

As Royal subjects, we enjoy the privileges and protection afforded by the Crown, including a navy, an army and airforce to protect our soil, and a legal system to protect our souls. 

A Royal registry must perform to the highest standard (‘King’s Standard’) and is deemed the most reputable. It is a civil registry for the benefit of the people and not a private corporation.

What are the benefits of registration?

A registered Member is acknowledged by a Peer and the Steward of the Registry. You have proof of your claims. You have ” Certification”.

Refer to ‘benefits of registration’.

How does registration protect assets?

By recording your status and witnessing through independent entities (steward, notary public) proprietorship of your title and assets is linked in writing and by witness to the natural person Living Soul subject of the Crown and can be produced to evidence that fact .(in court or other proceeding).

‘Upon the fact that Royal Registry de Jure is on record and evidences common law rights as fact. By registering you become equitable.’

Does Royal Registry own items registered?

No. Royal Registry de Jure is a registry of record.

It records that you the natural person living Soul subject of the Crown are the proprietor of an item.

However, this is not the case with corporate registries such as incorporated government entities, incorporated councils, etc., as these types of registries often contain terms and conditions which grant them possessory rights over the registered items in the event of a default.