
In order to trade and conduct one’s affairs in the material world, one needs to be recognised by others in the community.  If the community is small, such as a village, recognition is easy.  However, if one resides in a larger community such as a town or a city, one requires a means to identify oneself.  Registration is the method used to identify an individual within a community.  

By registering, one receives a certificate of registration wet-ink and notarised, which identifies them as a living soul Subject of the Crown within the community by their title.  The registration of their title and their certificate combine to create a definitive form of identification that can be produced in a business transaction or court or courtroom to identify an individual.  

Without registration and a certificate, individuals within a community have no standardised means of identifying strangers.  If individuals seek to enter into an arrangement / contract which can be enforced in a court it is imperative that each party to the arrangement is capable of being identified.  

The ​Royal Registry de Jure has been re-established in order to facilitate certificates of registration for the purpose of identifying individuals and their chattels.  The registry book allows for a permanent record of the individual, their chattels, and all property including intellectual property. 

“If possession is nine tenths of the law, the final ten percent must be registration” ~ Spyridon